Forensic, Trauma, & Psychosocial Evaluations
Child & Adult Psychotherapy

In the Media
•Telemundo Interview regarding the tragedy that happened in Danbury, CT where a mother killed her three children and then took her own life.
• interview on college homesickness and how to combat it using psychology and design
•Telemundo Interview providing some tips for managing needle phobia during COVID-19 vaccination
•Telemundo Interview briefly discussing the importance, for women and girls, of having elect female vice-president.
•Business Insider asked me to write an article about how I have been coping during the pandemic. Here it is:
•Most recent article focused on how to help children returning back to school in the Fall 2020
•Reaching the public at a critical time: Mass media coverage of psychologists’ research and interventions has been essential to helping people cope with the COVID-19 crisis. June 2020.
•Participated in NBC news panel focused on understanding the impact medical providers are experiencing as a result of their work on the front lines of the Covid-19 pandemic.
•Interviewed by consumer reports for article, “How to ease stress during the coronavirus pandemic.” April 23, 2020.
• NBC Telemundo appearance from home on March 23, 2020 during Covid-19 quarantine in suggesting to parents that children get some exercise during quarantine
•Interviewed by NBC Telemundo Morning Show regarding how to speak to children about the Covid-19 pandemic, March 12, 2020.
• Interviewed in NBC Telemundo about tripophobia on September 11, 2019 distressing
•Interviewed by NBC Telemundo regarding panic caused by mass-shootings. September 3, 2019,
•Interviewed for full-feature documentary, “For the children, by the children.” September 2018. Director Alain Maiki.
• Interviewed for short-documentary, “Unbreakable Glory discussing the impact suffered by gymnasts abused by their coaches. 2018. Director Alain Maiki.
• Interviewed by Afternoon News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, February 1, 2017. Discussed the acceptance of a transgender child by the Boy Scouts of America.
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, September 26, 2016. Discussed the impact of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s body language on how people connect with them.
• Interviewed by Afternoon News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, March 21, 2016. Discussed the possible impact of sharing one’s child’s photos on Facebook.
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, February 26, 2016. Discussed the increase in overdosing of people using anxiolytics.
• Interviewed by Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder, February 16, 2016. Discussed why labels matter for human migration.
• Featured as leading figure in post September 11, 2001 healing in documentary in 2015.
• Interviewed by Afternoon News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, December 21, 2015. Discussed the impact of home décor and organization on mental health.
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, October 17, 2015. Discussed what is the right age to give a child a mobile phone?
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, September 16, 2015. Discussed the psychology behind the “like” button on Facebook and the impact of the possible “dislike” button.
• Interviewed by Afternoon News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, August 13, 2015. Discussed factitious disorders in light of the news of a former Pennsylvania beauty queen faking cancer in order to raise funds.
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, May 17, 2015. Discussed how to encourage children of immigrants to speak their parents’ native tongue.
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, May 11, 2015, “easy steps to combat stress.”
• Interviewed for Telemundo’s morning show, “Un Nuevo Dia” on March 30, 2015, “parenting in the XXI century.”
• Interviewed on live TV for MSN’s Telemundo morning show, “Un Nuevo Dia” on November 10, 2014. Discussed long distance
• Interviewed on for Al Rojo Vivo show on MSN’s Telemundo on September 3, 2014. Discussed “controversial coloring book for children abou terrorism.”
• Interviewed on for NBC Universal Telemundo’s nightly news on August 12, 2014. Discussed “depression is a serious condition.”
• Interviewed on for NBC Universal Telemundo’s nightly news on June 10, 2014. Discussed “man with severe mental illness and hallucinations.”
• Interviewed by the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper on February 11, 2014 discussed compassion fatigue in Superstorm Sandy helpers.
• Interviewed on for NBC Universal Telemundo’s nightly news on April 5, 2013. Discussed How individuals manage through tragedy.
• Interviewed on for NBC Universal Telemundo’s nightly news on March 3, 2013. Discussed signs that someone is a psychopath.
• Interviewed by Brooklyn 12 News, October 12, 2013 discussed the Children’s Health Fund’s post –sandy work.
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, October 28, 2013 discussed “Glamorization of sexual activity on automobiles.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, October 25, 2013 discussed “How to heal from grief."
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, October 10, 2013, “How to increase girls’ self-esteem.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, October 18, 2012, “Understanding toxic relationships.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, December 5 2012. Discussed diffusion of responsibility.
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, October 8, 2012, “Dealing with parents who intrude in their adult children’s relationships.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, September 17, 2012, “How to move forward after relationships end.”
• The Guardian Newspaper interviewed me about my work helping victims of 911 in New York City.
• Interviewed by Fox News discussing the anniversary of 2011 and my work with victims.
• Featured in Emotion Magazine –2011- Germany on the topic of trauma and resilience
• Interviewed on the radio show “Feedback” Dublin radio station, Phantom 105.2. Thursday, September 9, 2011.
• Interviewed by 666 ABC Canberra’s Breakfast with Ross Solly. Australian Morning News Morning Show. September 11, 2011.
• Featured in the Observer Magazine “Rising from the Ashes: 10 years after 911.” Fall, 2011
• Interviewed by EMOTION magazine, Germany on August 16, 2011.
• Interviewed by CBC Canada’s The National on August 15, 2011, “Healing New York.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, June 1, 2011, “Marriage difficulties caused by lack of balance.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, March 29, 2011, “Adolescents dealing with ‘facebook depression.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo, March 24, 2011, “Relationships: intimacy after infidelity.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo. August 24, 2010, “The impact of bedbugs.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo. June 18, 2010, “Women feeling isolated during the world cup.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo. “Helping Children to be more independent.”
• Interviewed by Nightly News on Noticiero 47 –Telemundo. February 4, 2010. “Teenagers self-esteem.”
• Interviewed by WAMC North East Public Radio by Susan Barnett, “Aftermath of CT gas plan explosion.” February 8, 2010.
• Interviewed for by Ronda Kaysen, “When bedbugs bite,” September 10, 2009.
• Interviewed for Spear’s Wealth Management Survey by Penelope Bennett, “All in the Mind.” Issue 12, 2009.
• Interviewed by WAMC Public Radio by Susan Barnett for “51% The Women’s Perspective” on “The human response to disaster.” May 14, 2009.
• Interviewed for an article Basque Country “GARA” Magazine by Jordi Carreras, “Las imágenes sobre el 11-S no son buenas, retraumatizan a la gente,” September 11, 2007.
• Interviewed for El Diario La Prensa newspaper cover page story by Judith Torrea, “Familiares de victimas evitan actos,” September 11, 2007.
• Interviewed for an article in HS Today “Saving the Children,” July 2007, Volume, 4, No. 7, Page 34.
• Interviewed for an article in The Record by Lawrence Aaron, “Neighborhoods still reeling two years after Katrina.” August 29, 2007.
• Interviewed for an article in USA Today by Marilyn Elias, “Trauma Shapes Katrina’s Kids.” August 16, 2007.
• Featured in in Neighborhood and World Section, February 2007.
• Interviewed by “Mind Matters” on WWUH 91.3 FM radio station, Program airs October 1, 2006.
• Interviewed by Caracol Radio 1260 AM by Eucario Bermudez, “La Voz de la Comunidad,” September 11, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in The Daily Free Press by Philip Goldstein, “The forgotten generation: How 9/11 affected U.S. college students,” September 11, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in The Poughkeepsie Journal by John Ferro, “Teens transform, cope in tragedy’s aftermath,” September 10, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in Avui by Lara Bonilla, “Hi ha victims de l’11-S que encara pateixen depression,” September 9, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in The Record by Lawrence Aaron, “Katrina victims deserve compensation, too,” September 8, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in Homeland Protection Professional by Anne Louise Bannon, “Mass sociogenic illness: It’s real, yet it isn’t,” August, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer by Natalie Pompillo and Amy Worden, “A Slow, Sad Way Home,” August 27, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in by Tracy Clark-Flory, “Katrina’s Kids Carrying Burden of Trauma, Recovery,” August 22, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in Women’s eNews by Juliette Terzieff, “Katrina Survivors Lashed by Emotional Tailwinds,” August 13, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article in The Record by Lawrence Aaron, “After the revelry, despair remains,” March 1, 2006.
• Interviewed for an article featuring The Resiliency Program for Hora Hispana- Daily News, “El Programa de Resiliencia ayuda a afectados por tragedias como el 9/11 a recuperarse emocionalmente.” December 1, 2005.
• Interviewed for an article in the Washington Post by Jacqueline Salmon, “9/11 Aftershocks Rupture Virginia Family: Money meant to help those who lost loved ones creates rift.” August 17, 2005.
• Interviewed for an article in The Sunday Telegraph, Australia. “The 9/11 Shopping Syndrome,” July 3, 2005.
• Interviewed for an article in the New York Post by Susan Edelman, “Why they urge to splurge,” June 13, 2005.
• Interviewed for a cover article in the New York Post by Susan Edelman, “Burning up 9/11 money: Widow’s $5 mil spend spree buys her new misery,” June 12, 2005.
• Guest in The Voice of America’s Talk to America. “How people are coping with 911 in New York City.” December 13, 2001.
• Interviewed by the BBC, "Breakfast with Paul Welch" on the need for Psychological services in New York post 9/11. November 16, 2001.